Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Will Visualizing Your Financial Goals Help You Achieve Them?

The technique of visualization is simply great for performance improvement. Sports legends such as Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods, all have used visualization for pushing their performance limits. This helpful technique can be utilized in every walk of life and this includes, achieving financial goals.  

So, what is visualization? It is the method of vividly imagining achieving your goal. So, in other words, you are just creating an image of your success beforehand. This will, in turn, change how you think. 

Visualization builds confidence

Several studies suggest that the brain finds it hard to make a distinction between a real and a visualized image. This is based on the idea that when you visualize an action, you are stimulating the same regions of the brain as though you have performed the action in actual. What it does is, it tricks your brain that you have already achieved the goal.  

This will build the necessary motivation and confidence in actually achieving something. You will feel like you have already done it before. For a better understanding of how to achieve your goals, visit Wealthclock Advisors. They are prominent financial advisors and offer excellent mutual fund investing advice

How to visualize?

So, the main question that arises here is, how should you visualize? One of the most recommended ways is to visualize on the outcome, that is simply about achieving the goal. For example, if it's about sponsoring a child's education, try to imagine your grown-up-child celebrating the successful completion of their degree during the convocation ceremony. 

But think of the visualization as a movie instead of a static picture. Doing the following can help you better in this approach. 

  • Choose a time and place where you will stay relaxed and be at ease. It is advised that you do it early in the morning or simply, before sleeping. Just sit in a comfortable pose and close your eyes.

  • Now, imagine a situation where you have achieved success in fulfilling your financial goals. This has to be done vividly with plenty of positive emotions accompanying the whole act. Thus, if you aim to retire, then think of a dream destination where you are relaxing solely or with your spouse beside you. Mutual Fund investments are perfect for this purpose. 

Visualization may significantly improve the odds of fulfilling your financial goals. It helps you gather that much-required confidence and motivation to achieve the set goals.  

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