Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Simple Ways To Obtain Better Results From Your Portfolio

Every investor aims to obtain good results through their investment process. But at times people are unable to achieve the same. So, they implement several tactics for this. However, not all of them are helpful and hence, they do not deliver the desired results too. Whenever you are facing a similar situation, make sure to get in touch with the most competent financial advisor.

We are a financial advising firm that offers excellent services to our customers. Our wide range of financial services are loved by our customers and they always look forward to taking valuable guidance from us. Your portfolio is very valuable and therefore, you need to take the best foot forward. Have a look at what we have to offer in our website.  

Meanwhile, check out the ways we advise that will help you to make your investment portfolio a better one! Choosing the best investment plan with high returns in India is not sufficient. You need to consider other things too while aiming to make your portfolio a strong one. We will discuss them below. 

Some effective ways to make your investment portfolio a stronger one

You need to spend a lot of time ensuring that your portfolio is a stronger one so that it can withstand the different conditions of the financial market. The steps mentioned below are helpful.

Assessment of risk-taking ability

The first thing that you need to do is a risk assessment. Every investor falls under some category or the other mainly aggressive, conservative or balanced investor. You may have a great life and have the potential to invest heavily, but you still need to understand your risk-taking ability. Your capability to handle loss is another factor that determines your risk-taking ability. 

A risk assessment will ensure that you select the best financial schemes that you can handle on the long-run and whose benefits will satisfy your investment. This will make your portfolio a rather strong one. There are many ways to assess your risk-taking capacity. You may contact a competent financial advisor for this purpose.  

We engage in this process and carry it off in the best possible way. Your risk appetite can also be evaluated through the tenure of your desired investment schemes. You will get the best Risk-Based Fund Recommendation in Wealthclock. 

Systematic Investment Plans

After evaluating your risk profile, the next thing that will help you to make your portfolio a stronger one is if you go for systematic investment plans. Wealthclock Advisors always recommend them over the lump sum investments for long-term goals. 

The best thing about them is that they work beautifully during volatile market phases and thereby, this is the reason behind their immense popularity among long-term investors. Your SIP returns will always be better than any other schemes. This is because they operate for a longer period of time and thus have the chance and potential to deliver superior results.

We at Wealthclock will always advise this step if you wish to strengthen your investment portfolio. They are safe investments with high returns in India


This is an excellent step that you can take towards achieving a strong investment portfolio. The best thing about Mutual Fund Investment Plans in India is that they diversify across instruments/stocks. So, the best step that you can take in this regard is diversifying across asset classes as well as fund investment styles.  

This will help you considerably reduce risk and ensure that your portfolio is not easily affected by negative outcomes. We at Wealthclock, always advise this step to our customers. We believe in the power of diversification.

Some other ways to ensure an effective portfolio


Asset allocation will not alone help. You need to engage in rebalancing too. The ratio will transform as your investment grows. So, this is when you should engage in the rebalancing process. A yearly review along with rebalancing of the asset that has helped those assets that have fallen will greatly help.  

Wealthclock Advisors offers excellent financial advising services and covers a broad range of subjects. Starting from financial planning to goal setting, you can always count on us for your financial needs.

Careful reviewing

You need to carefully review your ongoing investment schemes. Like for e.g if you own both large-cap and mid-cap funds and the former underperformed the latter then the reason behind this could be simply a not-so fruitful year for the large-cap stocks. So, it is imperative that you compare with that fund's own benchmark as well as similar category funds.  

Also, you as an investor need to stop expecting your fund to rise to the top of the performance charts every year. Even if they slip a bit, don't the decision of leaving them hastily. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

How Should a Newly Married Couple Plan Their Finances?

A couple who has recently begun a new journey of their life, in the form of marriage, need to discuss an utterly important topic; finance. There should be a common understanding relating to the financial aspect of their lives. When two people embark on a common journey together, then they should deal and handle their finances in a planned way. 

This is where a skilled financial advisor comes into the picture. In this case, a newly married couple should consult the best advisors in town in order to get a clear picture of how they should handle their finances in the right way. Wealthclock Advisors is a name that stands true to its reputation. So, what should be the ideal financial planning for a newly married couple? Let's find out below.

4 financial steps that one should take in this respect

An understanding of the existing finances

Both of them should clearly understand each other's post-tax income, financial position along with current savings. Calculation of their existing monthly expenses and prioritizing them should be taken into serious consideration. The couple should also ideally save at least 30% of their combined post-tax earning, as it is a recommended step by most financial advisors.

Discussion about important goals and milestones

There has to be a common understanding of both short-term and long-term goals. The former will include elements such as buying a house, retirement planning, children's educational expenses etc. They need the Best Investment Plan With High Returns In India, and for this, a session with their chosen advisors will be fruitful. 

The short-term goals include purchase of cars or going on a holiday and also saving for emergencies.

Fruitful investments

The emergency funds can be invested in different liquid funds in order to ensure easy liquidity, optimal earnings along with tax efficiency. For tax savings the couple can engage in those mutual funds investment plans that help to save taxes like ELSS. For long-term goals such as retirement, children's education, home purchase, a diversified portfolio would be quite useful.

Operational aspects

The couple should make the other partner a nominee in their respective investment and bank accounts. This will lead to a smoother asset transfer if there is a demise of one partner. There should be a transparency in case of bank account details like account number, ATM password among the couple as it will lead to easier access during an emergency. 

Friday, April 5, 2019

When a Person Need a Financial Advisor?

Every individual who manages the finance of his family requires a financial advisor to guide them and make the right investments. Are you a financial caretaker or financial chowkidar of your family? If yes, then definitely you need a guide who will help you in handling your own financial needs.

financial chowkidar
financial chowkidar

In this blog, we have mentioned the type of person needs a financial advisor.

  1. Professionals who remain Busy: With the term “busy professionals” we mean the executives or the business owners who are highly engaged in their own field. These officials will certainly benefit from the comprehensive services of the professional financial advisors. From a one-time financial review to ongoing investment and other financial planning advice, you will be served with all of your concern. You might be an intelligent person, you might be a financial chowkidar of your own family, but do you have the required time to think about the right investment plan? In between the busy schedule, it is really hard to take the right decision. And hence, the financial advisors like WealthclockAdvisors appears in the picture. 

  2. A Person who is about to Retire: If you are about to take your retirement and live a peaceful life without any financial glitch, then hiring the services of a financial advisor would be an ideal option. Being a financial chowkidar, it is the right time to make fruitful investments and enjoy the rest of your life with your family. However, often these folks tend to be their own financial advisor and end up making a mess with their own investments. Do you want to mess up your retired life like this? Of course, not. Seeking the help of a financial advisor and investing your savings in the right platform is always the best decision that you can take in this stage of your life.

  3. Newly single Individuals: Are you recently divorced? Or there has been any accidental death of your spouse? In either of the cases when you are new to this single life, you need a financial advisor to assist you in the right way of making investments. Here you are the financial chowkidar of your own. However, in this complex situation, it might be hard for you to take an appropriate financial decision for yourself. A financial advisor in this stage, will play the role of your financial guardian and drive you to make safe investments with high returns in India. Additionally, there are situations when you need to solve some potential issues like life insurance that can be attained in case of the death of a spouse. In this situation, a financial advisor will certainly be God for you. In case you are divorced or you are undergoing the process, engaging with a financial advisor will help you to determine a fair split of the couple's assets. 

Reaching the bottom line, it is not the type of a person or a profession that should hire a financial advisor. It is basically the situation that compels the financial chowkidar to do so. Do you belong to any of the aforesaid situations? If yes, then you should visit a financial advisor and make a safe investment with high returns in India.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

5 SIP Blunders That Can Cost Investors Heavily

When it comes to investment, the SIP is a great way to invest. Systematic Investment Plans are loved by retail investors. It will let them automatically purchase more units during a low market phase and vice-versa.

There are other benefits of going for SIPs instead of other lucrative funds. SIP involves regular investing and this will let investors leave a sigh of relief as they need not time the market. However, a lot of people mess their investment up by making some huge blunders.

SIPs have the ability to make the lives of their investors a better one, but committing a few common blunders can ruin things. A list of the 5 blunders is presented in this article below. For better guidance regarding SIP and financial investment in general, one can visit good financial experts like Wealthclock Advisors.

Some wrong moves that investors need to be careful about

Staying tight-fisted

With SIPs, an investor can succeed in fulfilling his investment goals and thereby, make his financial planning success. However, after a certain time, one needs to question themselves have they invested enough? Staying tight-fisted in case of investment is not the right way to grow wealth. So, an investor should be heavily active towards reaping off more benefits from SIP.

Market timing

A lot of investors often put a halt to their SIP investment temporarily when they see the equity market is correcting. The expert advisors recommend avoiding this step. Pausing SIPs midway can prove hazardous as it can heavily affect the investment process and the financial plan in general. Investors can lose out on fruitful opportunities.

A financial investor can have thousands of questions before venturing into SIP. One of the most common ones of them all is, “How to do SIP online?”. To get the best answer to this question, they can visit a professional financial advisor.

No diversification

One of the most common mistakes that an investor makes is they invest all their money into one single fund. This may be convenient but can lead an investor to end up with disastrous results. SIP is always beneficial in every sense but for it to provide the most stunning results, one need to diversify their investments.

Diversification will offer great returns during the most difficult market times. One also needs to review fund returns after every year. A competent financial advisor will also answer other important questions such as “How to purchase mutual funds?”.

Wrong choices

Although SIP is great in terms of automatic monthly installment payments, at most times investors select the wrong SIP dates. The ideal date should be one that is after salary is usually credited as this will benefit investors.

No flexibility

A lot of investors are thrown off their investment track when an emergency pops up. Since they have not prepared for the same, they face the wrath of time. So, other than committing heavily to SIP one also needs to keep emergency and difficult times in mind and utilize their money likewise.